I'm ready to level up!

Unleash Your Inner Genius with Marc Allen

Apr 11, 2022

As a leader, it's critically important that you manage your self-talk and mindset. I had the privilege of interviewing the incredible Marc Allen to talk about mindset, and how our minds are the creators of our lives.
Marc co-founded New World Library with Shakti Gawain in 1977 and has guided the company from a small start-up with no capital to its current position as one of the leading independent publishers in the country.
Along the way, he has published many books that have changed lives, including Eckhart Tolle's The Power of Now, Deepak Chopra's The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, and Shakti Gawain's Creative Visualization.
Marc is a well-known musician and composer as well, having produced five albums of music for his label Watercourse Media. His latest composition is a soaring orchestral work called Awakening, and his first instrumental album, Breathe, has now sold nearly 100,000 copies and has been named a "New Age Golden Oldie" by NAPRA. 
Marc has discovered, through trial and error, a proven set of principles and simple practices that can help each of us live the life of our dreams, doing what we love to do, while adhering to compassionate, conscious values. His books, audios, and seminars — and the powerful books he has published — have been life-changing experiences for millions of people.


Full Transcript


Marc Allen, James Laughlin 


James Laughlin 00:00 

Welcome to lead on purpose. I'm James Laughlin, former seven-time world champion musician, and now an executive coach to global leaders and high performers. In every episode, I bring you an inspiring leader or expert to help you lead your life and business on purpose. Thanks for taking the time to connect today on investing in yourself. Enjoy the show. 


James Laughlin 00:39 

Great leadership starts with great thinking. Thought leadership has been around for millennia. In today's session, you're going to get to meet Mark Allen, a worldwide bestselling author on thought leadership, spirituality. and he actually has his own publishing firm New World library, and New World Publishing, that publishes books for Eckhart Tolle, Deepak Chopra, and many of the world's greatest influencers, thought leaders, and changemakers. You're going to learn today how to think differently to create the most amazing future for yourself, for your family, for your organization. So, sit back and enjoy. 


James Laughlin 01:33 

Mark, a massive Welcome to The Lead On Purpose Podcast. 


Marc Allen 01:37 

Thank you, James. I'm delighted to be here. I'm really impressed with what you do. 


James Laughlin 01:44 

Oh, thank you. It's amazing. I mean, I could say that right back to you. It's amazing what you do. And in fact, I read a book. And that really did change my thought processes change my way of looking at the world. And that was I'll just lift it up for everyone that's watching, As You Think. And so, this was obviously James Allen was the original author, but you jumped in and made this really applicable to our world, and our way of thinking. So, I'm so excited to talk about how you think, and where you think the world is headed. And high on an individual basis, we can think in a way that helps create our outer world. 


Marc Allen 02:22 

Yes, yes, that book changed my life. When I look back on it in about my mid-20s. Somebody just gave me a copy. The original is as a man thinketh. And I read it and immediately started repeating the two poems in it. There are two poems, it opens with a poem that summarizes the book. And I learned later this is like a traditional, Buddhist, Tibetan Buddhist practice, and all, in fact, a lot of their books open with a short poem. If you get the poem, you don't need to read the book. So, I meditated on this poem, I repeated it hundreds and hundreds of times. And it sums up the whole book and the book, The poem is, "Mind is the master power that molds and makes, and we are mined. And ever more we take the tool of thought and shaping what we will bring forth 1000, Joy's 1000 pills, we think in secret, and it comes to pass our world is but our Looking Glass." Phenomenal. And I think that then is really at the core of ever since what I came to understand and how I came to really change my life. And then what I teach today 


James Laughlin 03:43 

That's powerful. And so, when I read the book, I understood that if I could comprehend and really understand the poem, the book would make sense. So, I read it. I read it three or four times, and still as I need to read the book. 


Marc Allen 03:59 

Well, I did too! Yes. 


James Laughlin 04:04 

So, if you know, if you feel that that was a transformational book for you. So, what started to happen in your life, after you started really clicking on what the book was about? 


Marc Allen 04:18 

I think the book kind of simmered for years. Then I went to a great weekend workshop, where I learned a lot of things, including the core belief process that I've written about, that really helps you see what deep, underlying beliefs you're holding on to and how they affect your lives, good or bad beliefs. And we often have a bunch of contradictory beliefs. So often, we know I think a lot have a sense that we are unique, and we're gifted in some ways, and I think everyone is a creative genius in their own unique way. And a lot of people will believe that if you tell them that, but then we have all these other beliefs that Oh, I don't have what it takes is so off. You know, it's so hard. Life is a struggle, all these other beliefs. And so, dealing with those deep beliefs is definitely something that really affected me when I was 28. And then, really the day I turned 30, I ended up doing four things, and they changed my life. I am looking back on it took me years to see this, but I was a very different person in the evening of my 30th birthday than I was in the morning. I woke up in the morning, I lived in poverty in a little slum apartment, I had no job, no money, I'd had a rock band that had broken up. And I, I've been I tried about 10 different careers in my 20s and everything fell apart. I had the opposite of that Midas Touch, everything fell apart. And, and I got fired for jobs. So, I literally woke up on my 30th birthday. My usual attitude was like, oh, I got to scrounge my rent together, I got to get my rent, how do I get my rent this month? That was my visualization for every month. And I remember looking back, I remember even thinking, you know, it's kind of magical, how I just barely got my rent together every month, I just bearly. And I remember thinking, maybe that's magical. Maybe I am creating that. Maybe that is creative visualization. So, on my 30th birthday, I decided to take it up several levels, you know, in fact, a quantum leap in what I was visualizing. And so literally, I spent most of the day alone, pacing up and down. I couldn't have the party I was I knew I just need to think about my life because I was 30. This voice said You're not a kid anymore. You're 30. Somehow at 29, It was cool to be a musician, unemployed. With no money whatsoever. But turning 30 really changed me. And that day I picked up about it. I did four things. I remembered this game called Ideal Scene, where you just imagine five years have passed, and everything is gone as well, as you could imagine, in your life. What would your life look like? I did that when I was like 22, around a campfire during a disaster is back to the land experimented. This couple as we were sitting around the fire just said, let's play a game we play at church camp. Let's imagine five years have passed. Everything has gone as well as we could imagine. What would our lives look like? We went around the fire. Everybody said something I have no memory of what I said. So, it had no impact on my life whatsoever. But the day I turned 30 I thought this is a good idea. But this time I grabbed a sheet of paper I wrote it down I put ideal see, and much to my amazement, because I'd had no interest in business or money. In fact, I had all these negative beliefs about people making money. And the first thing that spilled out as I have a successful publishing company that cruises along and that publishes great books that really affect people's lives. That's the first part of my ideal scene that spilled out. I was amazed I knew nothing about business 0. I'd never taken any course relating to I was a theater major in college. 


Marc Allen 08:53 

so, I wrote my whole ideal scene then it even included a big I lived in a slum apartment with bars in a window is not a nice neighborhood of Oakland, California. And across the bay north of San Francisco is this Marin County is beautiful. It's a 75% undeveloped, open, beautiful place with a mountain going down to the ocean. And I said, my ideal I live in a big, beautiful home in Marin County, with a beautiful view, and then listed everything. And then the second thing I did was I realized within my ideal scene, were a bunch of goals. Start learning about publishing companies and, you know, start learning about real estate. Start writing a book a part of my idea, okay, I'm also writing books and I'm putting on my albums of music I'd written and played music, but I'd never recorded anything. So, it was a lot of starts, but I made a list of goals. Then I made a list of goals as affirmations, I'd read about affirmations. quite a bit, mostly from a Unity Church minister named Catherine Ponder, who wrote a bunch of books in the 70s. And that's where she really taught me about the power of affirmations the power of the spoken and written word is what it is. So, the third thing I did, I took my list of goals, and I wrote them as affirmations. I am now creating a successful publishing company. In every one, I ended with a phrase Catherine Ponder had given me in an easy and relaxed manner in a healthy and positive way, in its own perfect time, for the highest good of all. And I made a list of affirmations to this day, I carry around my list of affirmations with me. And then the fourth thing, it actually sorts of took a few days to start happening. But I realized, as I affirmed things, plans started to emerge. And I made one-page plans for each of my goals, a one-page plan to start a publishing company. In fact, I can take my entire plan I've learned to this day I do one-page plans and tell everybody to get a one-page plan for whatever you dream of. Because it's for your subconscious mind. It doesn't have to be detailed and lengthy and you don't have to know all I knew for my first business plan. The goal at the top, I am now create a successful publishing company. And I thought about it and okay, the only two things I could think of were read a used business 101 textbooks, because I knew nothing about business, and talk to people that I knew like my dad who knew more about business than I did. That was my plan. That was my entire plan for my publishing company. Step wanted to and I took those steps. And then once I'd read something and talked, I learned how to start a business and the whole thing just unfolded step by step. 


James Laughlin 12:01 

It's incredible. There's four, there are four simple steps you are listening to right now. There are four simple steps that you can take and run with. Mark that to me, that is so priceless. And it was the three zero the 30th birthday. That was the cast for that moment. 


Marc Allen 12:21 

Yes, yes, yes. To this day, really, at all my books, it's, I always get back to that day. And those four things that's what completely changed my life. So literally, looking back, I was a different person at the end of the day, the beginning of the day, oh, we're going to scrounge together my rent at the end of the day. I have a dream. And I'm focusing, I'm making a plan. I'm going to create a successful publishing company, write books, record music, get into real estate. 


James Laughlin 12:55 

Incredible. So, it all started with a thought. 


Marc Allen 12:59 

Yes, yes! 


James Laughlin 13:02 

And then when did you see some of the fruits? The physical manifestations of that thought, well, how long did that start to take? 


Marc Allen 13:12 

I kept affirming in its own perfect time, and it definitely took a while. But by the end of the year, I had our first little catalog for our publishing company. It was a legal-size sheet of paper that we just folded three times. So, it was made like a little brochure. And it had two books on it. But the first two books that I wrote, and had creative visualization by Shakti Gawaine. Coming soon. It took her two years to write the book but so we had three books one wasn't published. I had two albums of music out and then I threw in like four other things. I thought I threw in everything I thought I'll try six different things. Something is bound to work. So, we had a notecard. Literally a note card one note card we published that had one of my favorite pieces of business advice which are cut the shit and do the thing. Yes, yes, a director once told me that, and I had it mounted on my desk you know. 


James Laughlin 14:24 

if you've still got any of those original note cards, I'll buy one from you. Ha-ha 


Marc Allen 14:29 

I still I know I know I have one on my desk. 



James Laughlin 14:33 

Yeah. So good. Cut the shit, do the thing. Yes, 


Marc Allen 14:38 

Cut the shit and do the thing. That was great. And we had many posters, and even a gypsy loved charms shocked me. I wrote a song that had this actual gypsy love charm in it from an old book. So, we had the charm and we put in rosemary all because that attracts low beta. So, I don't think we sold, maybe we sold one. I think we sold one or two or so. So, but that was our first little catalog, we put it out. And our first-year sales were $800. 


James Laughlin 15:13 

Well done. 


Marc Allen 15:16 

Yeah, our second-year sales for 3000. And then shocked, he got out creative visualization. And we suddenly had something that sold word of mouth because we had zero promotion. We didn't send out like review copies or do anything except I found a distributor who got it in stores. But we didn't publicize the books in any way. We, you know, it was just Shakti and I part-time really? Wow. But it just grew. And then some other great authors started coming to us once we have creative visualization out. Then all these other wonderful writers started contacting me. It was great. 


James Laughlin 16:05 

As that started to happen, as those great writers started contacting you from your thought when you were 30. What did that do to your self-belief, your inner confidence when people started reaching out to you? 


Marc Allen 16:18 

Right, right. Yeah, I realized, and I think this is true of all of us, I have something really unique to say. And I, my publishing company is really unique. It's a great partnership. With every employee, every employee gets a good share of the profits. So, every employee thinks like an owner, the whole business model works beautifully. And yes, I got, I got very confident, I remember the first book that I took to the Bodhi tree bookstore in LA, which was this huge metaphysical store. So many people have said to me, oh, you were so innovative, creative visualization was like the first book of this whole new age genre was, and I said, no, there were 1000s of books out. It was one of the first ones that sold a lot but a whole bunch of other books. Were out even Autobiography of a Yogi you could count as you know, that was out. I don't know what the 50s. And but I remember I took my first little book to the Bodhi tree bookstore. And I looked at that looked at the 1000s of titles, and I walked out in total shock thinking, why what, what right Do I have to? Why would you even try to publish anything because there are 1000s and 1000s of books out already? There are like a million books published every year, I was why. And I thought about that for just a minute or two. And then the thought came well, whatever I do will be unique. No one will write the books or publish the books I publish. So. And I was thinking small, I was thinking about, Oh, there's 1000s of books out there. But I wasn't thinking, yeah, there's also 320 million people in this country alone. And a whole lot of people in the world who read a lot of books. So, there's a vast, vast market for any kind of creative work.  



James Laughlin 18:31 

That's really crucial. What you just said, I think is powerful, because so many of us will have an idea. And it could be transformational for ourselves or the people around us. Then we go, ah, I think someone's already done it. Or why would someone read my work? Or, hey, the market is saturated. So, we defeat ourselves before we even get started. Now, you almost did that you sat there for a moment and doubted yourself and doubted your success or your idea? Mm-hmm. But a thought, literally thought and inner conversation. change that. So how did you develop that technique? How can others develop that? 


Marc Allen 19:10 

I just, uh, somewhere along the line, I started talking to myself, I would just and I find I do it walking, especially outside, I like to walk outside if I'm pondering something or have a problem, or something which Eckhart keeps saying there are no problems there unless you created with your mind. It's just a situation, you know, I have a search. But I will literally sometimes I'll even do it in meditation. But I'll just get quiet. And then I'll ask myself a question and then I'll just listen. I'll just listen. And then I usually get an answer. Sometimes it takes a while to get an answer. But I've had these dialogues with myself for years. That's one answer I got a while ago is that you know, it is all just about thought. And it's all so simple. There are just two essential things though, as the older I get, the simpler I see it, there are two essential things to creating wonderful success in the world. One is, to dare to dream of it. Dare to dream, even write down your ideal scene. Dare to dream of the career you want the relationship you want the home, you want, your ideal, dare to dream. And hopefully, you'll end or begin with a life of inner peace to have come to realize that's the most important part of my ideal, some real inner, I know you talk about purpose a lot. And I've reflected on that a lot to how there's an outer purpose and an inner purpose. And that's, that's the goal. That's the ideal. So that's the first essential step to create your ideal. The second one is, to deal with the doubts and fears that inevitably arise with F, nearly everyone, once you dare dream because those doubts and fears do come up. Oh, do you? Who are you to do this, you know, you didn't have the right education, or you don't have enough money, or, you know, you whatever, whatever comes up, will come up for everyone who dares to dream an expansive dream? So, you deal with those doubts and fears. And Heidi, oh, there's all kinds of we've been doing it all our lives in all kinds of ways, you know. But the one thing I found when I was 28, this core belief process I mentioned, is great for getting down to your deepest fears. And your deepest core belief. You even ask yourself, you know, what's the worst that could happen? And you really get into that. That, that, that I think that's the single best thing I ever did. It's just eight questions. I can whip through the questions. And I will. Yeah, I mean, this process, I have done hundreds of times now. With hundreds of people, and I've done it dozens of times, with myself. And all it is being totally honest about eight, asking yourself eight questions. One, what's the problem? What's the problem? Once you pick one, you know, it works best when you are really upset or agitated about something, that's when it really works best because you got this emotional juice behind it. But it can be any problem in your life, career relationship, anything, family, anything. So, you just what's the problem? And you just take a couple of minutes, it just takes a couple of minutes, because we know just exactly what's the problem, you know? And then we just ask ourselves, what are you feeling physical? When do you feel when you worried about this problem? What are you feeling physical, and you just, like look within and just tune in your body just like, oh, like, I remember doing it about money? When I was, I started the company, I used a lot of credit cards, I was 65,000 in credit card debt. And this was the this was this 70. So, I felt it today's dollars, that's probably about 250,000 in credit card debt, and I did not have the income from the company. I didn't have enough income to even pay the minimum amounts on each card. So literally for about maybe two years or so. I survived by people who kept sending me new credit cards, I'll get a new credit card from a new bank, and I'd run out get a cash advance and pay off all the other cards. Okay, a stack of bills, everybody bad hide, you know, so it was getting overwhelming.  


Marc Allen 24:00 

It was not working. And then our distributor went bankrupt and didn't pay us for six months' worth of sales. So, the company was on the verge of bankruptcy, and I was on the verge of bankruptcy. And so, then I got to do the core belief process. So, when the problem is okay, I just tell you the problem. Two, how are you feeling? And I realized my stomach was just churning I think if it would have continued, I probably would have gotten an ulcer and my neck and shoulders are tight. Then three you say what emotions are you feeling, and you just named the emotion you don't dwell on it. But I realized oh, I'm frustrated, I'm irritated. I'm pissed off even like with my dad that I could call up and say Hey, Dad, can you send me $10,000 That's good. See, I don't buy either. So, are you know he had just enough so I never had any family support. But so, I realize that you just look at your physical body, you look at your emotions. And then we say, we used to say what tapes are running through your head, do you just run, what repetitive thoughts are going on and on and on and on? You know what, you've touched on that with a problem. But it just makes you aware, 90, percent of our thoughts are totally repetitive. And, and when you got a problem, you're often just running, running, running the same thoughts the same, even disaster scenarios a row. So, you just go on and on. And it never takes longer than three or four minutes with anybody to really do it. But you just say every thought that's been going through your head that's related to the problem. Okay, then five is a really good one. I think this is maybe the essence of a key to the power of this process. You ask yourself, okay, what's the worst that could happen? Oh, well, of course, I could go bankrupt. And when you even say, okay, if that happens, what's the very worst that could happen? Very, you throw you open that closet of your worst fears. And I came up with well, I could be a drunken bomb in the gutter and LA dying slowly, a painful death that no one even cares about. Or people were just stepping over my body on the street. That's, that's kind of the worst thing. And it often when you really get into the worst one, you even start chuckling because you realize, well, that's probably not going to happen. You know, but it's good to look at those fears. Look at those fears. Then you ask the sixth question. What's the best thing? What's your ideal senior? I have done this a hundred times with hundreds of people. Every time. Almost every time you get into that. What's the worst See, people, are? Well, I could go bankrupt, I could do really well. Then you say what's the best that could happen? And they go? Uh-huh. And it dawns on us, we have not even thought of what's the best that could happen. We're so involved in the problem. We haven't really been daring to ask, what's the best not only a solution but what's the best solution? You know, what is your ideal scene in this? So, I think we're credible. Yeah, it is incredible. It is. It's amazing. And everyone who does it has the same experience I had with it. Oh, I haven't really been. I mean, I've been I've had a few like random ideas, but I haven't really thought, okay, what do I really want to happen here? You know, what's my ideal? And I, that's where I thought, well, okay, my ideal scene is I get another distributor.  


Marc Allen 28:13 

And this point in my brain said, duh, you know, why didn't you know that? You know, five months ago when they didn't pay you for the first month, you know, but so literally the next day I got another distributor much, but I've been with them ever since they're great. So, in my ideal see, I get a distributor and we make a profit. And I get a bonus from profit sharing big enough to pay off all my checks. And, you know, I had my ideal was right there in very clear. Okay, so get your ideal scene in mind. Then question seven. Why isn't the ideal scene happening? Why isn't that happening once? And that gets you right down to your core beliefs. You know, I said, Well, I'm an idiot, I'm, I'm out of control financially, I'm a fool. Fool with money. And you nail them that deep core belief that deep. I like to come to underlying beliefs now because core sounds so solid. Yeah, no, it's because these reliefs can and do change over time. So, my underlying belief was I was a total fool of money. Then Question Eight, what? affirmations or you could even just call them counter statements. What statements can you tell yourself? Can you think that totally counteract and contradict those deep beliefs? So, with me, it's okay, I'm a fool with money. Okay. I am sensible, and in control of my finances, I'm creating total financial success in an easy and relaxed manner in a healthy and positive way, in its own perfect time, for the highest good of all. That was, I literally did that while I was driving down the freeway. I did the process. And I just pulled over on the shoulder of the freeway to write it down because I thought I'll forget it, you know, because the words when you find the right affirmation or counter-statement, every word should feel really good to you. And if it doesn't, for some reason, keep playing with the words playing with words until you find something that literally feels like it empowers every cell of your body, the right affirmation. When I said, I am sensible. And in control of my finance, I had never in my life insensible in control of my finance. But as soon as I started saying that, sure enough, oh, it's easy to be sensible. All I need to do is make some more money and make more money than I spend. That's how to be sensible it's very simple. It's not complicated. 


James Laughlin 30:50 

It's amazing. What a powerful process 


Marc Allen 30:54 

It was life-changing, definitely life-changing. 


James Laughlin 30:58 

And once you get to the affirmation stage there, how important is it to build repetitions? With that affirmation? 


Marc Allen 31:07 

Yeah, people often ask that. And I think it varies with the individual, you just have to repeat it enough so your subconscious says yes to it. Some brilliant person and I forget who I maybe I never even knew who, but someone once said that our subconscious mind is like an incredibly powerful five-year-old. A five-year-old will believe whatever you tell him, he or she'll believe there are monsters under the bed. If they're five, you know. And our subconscious mind is like that. Yeah. So, if we tell it if we're moping through the day saying, Oh, this sucks. This is really difficult. You know, our subconscious believes that. If we start saying, I'm sensible and in control of my finances, our subconscious really picks up on that really picks up on it. So, it is all it's all about the thought power of thought. We tell our subconscious; I am creating total financial success. It says yes, but then our next thought is, it's so hard though it's so difficult. Our subconscious mind said yes, it's so hard for you with those thoughts. Yes, exactly. I really think that's the process and it's that simple. 


James Laughlin 32:27 

Incredible, I've got a five-year-old son just by chance I can really relate to that. Totally! And the subconscious mind, so how does that function so for someone out there who's like not really thought about their subconscious mind and higher impact their life in reality that they see? How does the subconscious mind function when you're feeding it, programming it, and giving it commands through affirmation? What happens after that? 


Marc Allen 32:56 

The way I see it is that it's just it's all it's functioning all the time, I mean, the way I see subconscious mind, it's the same thing, the same force that took that sperm cell and egg and started driving whatever that power is. Our subconscious built our whole system in our subconscious mind keeps healing all are all the healing systems that we have, even in the nervous all the systems that we're not conscious of at all. They're just even breathing, our heartbeat. It's all subconscious below our conscious level, what we couldn't exist if we were conscious of it all we did, you know, have to direct Oh, we got to scratch we have to direct our healing system. You know, incredible, I see it as an incredible subconscious force. You know, I mean, our healing systems. So, I was just here if we have a scratch, there is like these little nanomachines that immediately build these long Band-Aids, cell band-aids, that they put over the scratch. And you know, just all of our, our bodies are so amazing. And so much of it is subconscious. And somehow, I mean there's the mystery underneath it of the whole process of creation, the force of creation. How did you know the Big Bang happened in the first place? How did all these simple elements mostly hydrogen and helium from early stars, keep combining and ended up creating this earth and creating a life that's the mystery of it all the mystery all and I don't think we can ever understand what that force is. But I know we can set it in motion with my thoughts. And that that to me is what the subconscious mind is it's the force of creation that is constantly operating throughout our bodies. 


James Laughlin 35:07 

So powerful, I love that. And in our pre-call, we were just chatting about some stuff you were doing. You were up in British Columbia, catching up with Eckhart Tolle. So, you had all these authors like Eckhart, Deepak, and so forth, come and actually use your publishing firm to publish their amazing books. And the reason I want to talk about that is that obviously, the people that you surround yourself with, have a direct impact on the way that you think and the way that you carry out your thoughts and your subconscious programming. So, who have you been around in the last, say, 15 - 20 years, maybe longer, that have really impacted you in such a profound and positive way?  


Marc Allen 35:49 

Oh, definitely Eckhart. Eckhart has been the greatest I think he's the greatest teacher on Earth, he's sure is for me. He's really helped take everything to a new level in my life, from including inner peace and including financially. The book is sold. But it is now 10 million copies and just keeps going, going, going all over the world. 50 foreign editions. 


James Laughlin 36:22 



Marc Allen 36:25 

Brilliant! It's the best book I've ever read. So definitely, I can't look through the whole length at the beginning of Shakti going, she was my girlfriend, and we took that. We did the core belief process together and took that seminar together. I was 28. She was 26. And that's where I met her. And she ended up having an impact on my life, for sure. Because she was, she was tenacious about consciousness growth. And she really affected me a lot early on. But yeah, the last 15 years, Eckhart is incredible. And he really walks his talk. He's just a delightful guy to hang out with. And I just love him. 


James Laughlin 37:14 

And for people out there, you know, for the person that's listening right now going, hey, I don't live near Eckhart. I don't have a connection with Eckhart. What can we do as individuals who maybe don't have really healthy people around us? What can we do to get those Eckharts, those Deepaks, and those Mark Allens into our minds? How can we let them become our mentors?  


Marc Allen 37:39 

YouTube, YouTube's incredible! I often do that. Sometimes I'll just want to hit it Eckart inspiration, so I'll just I mean, I've got a bunch of ice even I have CDs of his years still. But now it's just, I just go to YouTube do Eckhart Tolle and you can even do it specifically, I just like you can do Eckhart Tolle on anxiety. And a whole bunch of incredible talks has popped up. And the YouTubes amazing, because, you know, you really do get, it's like hanging out with somebody, you know, just like, I mean, now, I'm like hanging out with you right here. 


James Laughlin 38:17 

It's kind of mind-boggling. 


Marc Allen 38:20 

Yeah, it is. It's a great technology. It's wonderful. 


James Laughlin 38:24 

Yeah, that's amazing. So, for the person that is listening, that's the one thing to think about is saturating your mind and surrounding yourself with people through the use of YouTube, podcasts, online courses, books, all those important things. Yes, yes. Please tell me about your most recent book, and what inspired it.  


Marc Allen 38:44 

Oh, boy. Well, the last big book that I did that I'm still really behind, is called The Magical Path. I had done visionary business about business, and the millionaire course about creating a career. And then I started, I thought it would be kind of a small book. But when I was 21, I found this magical bookshop in Madison, Wisconsin, and I found a little book called The Art of True Healing by a man named Israel Regardie. And it turned out to be a course in western magic. And I remember sitting down with it and he has these meditations to heal your body. And it healed my body. I was in horrible health when I was 21, Horrible. The last two years of college nearly killed me almost literally, I almost OD'd on massive quantities of methods, crystal meth, horrible, horrible for your health and I wasn't even aware. Well, finally, I was totally aware that it was destroying my health. So, I finally quit doing it. And right after that, I found that book, I couldn't even walk up a flight of steps I remember without stopping halfway up and just pausing because my heart was gone. It was very, very bad for my heart. And one day I even nearly OD, the guy that turned me on to a dead OD. And one day I just passed out. And I don't know for how long, but I woke up and I was on the floor on my back. And I couldn't move, couldn't move a muscle, my heart was growing just, and I could not move. And literally, this voice in my head said, I think this is bad for your health. 


James Laughlin 40:43 

You think? 


Marc Allen 40:46 

And right after that, I found The Art of True Healing. And I did this, he called it the middle pillar meditation, you can find that on YouTube. If you go, to Mark Allen's middle pillar meditation, oh, got the meditation right there. The first time I did that, and I forget how long, I spent maybe half an hour and maybe less, or maybe I don't know what. But I remember I was sitting in a big chair. And I got up afterward, you basically imagine healing energy flowing through your body from the top of your head, then you even circulate healing energy around. And I do really think it affects your subconscious healing system, right? You can direct the healing anywhere in your body that needs it. And it's a very simple but powerful meditation, I did that I got up out of that chair, I felt healed, I felt 20 pounds lighter. A member, my heart rate had really slowed down. And my blood pressure had been I'm sure through the roof with meth. And but I said, wow, this works, this, this is healing my body, I could feel it. Literally, it felt like I could feel vibrant healing energy in every cell of my body. And so from there, I really got into some things in western magic, and over the years did quite a few things. And I just had this idea, you know, for the people interested and a whole other way to approach creating the life of your dreams can be through, you can look at it as your magical path. And I thought that's exactly what I did. So, I didn't do any research for the book or anything. I just started putting in everything I've done over the years. I thought it would be a little short book at first. And it kept going. I kept waking up at 3 am thinking, oh, yeah, I did that ritual. I did a magical circle and a ritual, you know, imagining I'm the entire universe. And I ended up creating a let's see, if I yeah, I have a very substantial book. Beautiful Book. Yeah. And it's, it's it ended up being like close to 300 paid 275 pages of something. Incredible. It's very, it's very substantial. And you know, some people love it, the people that want to believe that all creation is a magical process. And we can consciously tap into it. 


James Laughlin 43:31 

I just want to congratulate you on actually sharing that with the world. And thank you for that. Because I feel often, you know, leaders, I work with CEOs and athletes and people that are leading different companies, organizations. And sometimes it's quite easy to get caught in this linear view of the world. It's very transactional. It's very, you know, black and white. With these leaders, what would you say to them, these leaders that have been brought up thinking in a very linear way and thinking it's black and white? Could you open their mind and their consciousness to go, hey, there's actually another way to get the same result, maybe with, you know, the less friction and the less forcing? What would your message be to those leaders? 



Marc Allen 44:15 

I know when I was 15, I saw Hamlet in Minneapolis. And I remember walking out thinking it's true, absolutely true. I know that there is far more in heaven and earth than we can imagine, you know than we can dream of it our philosophy or imagine. And I think it opened my mind a bit. And then I read it was really good first and Eckart has been saying the same thing lately, about the two levels of consciousness to the horizontal and the vertical is most of our lives and our thinking. It's all at a horizontal level. Our even our business plans were mostly like this, and it was really coded for a student, some novel has I read this young couple was disgusting is that it, it's very, very good to focus our consciousness on the vertical, the vertical. Meaning the entire universe and realizing where an essential part of the whole thing is. And it's why, you know, just like gazing at the moon, so, or even, you know, a mountain in the distance or a night sky, it opens up our thinking, totally, we do need to be very linear and very focused at times. It's all that left-brain stuff, it's very, very important and very powerful, very good. But there is all this fabulous right brain Stuff. That is, the way I see it is just totally connected to the whole creation of the universe. 


James Laughlin 45:57 

And it's more exponential, like what I hear you speak and like, that's an exponential leadership. That's an exponential impact. So, if a leader was, let's say they run a fortune 500 company, what you're saying is, rather than think always thinking tactically, because we've got to think tactically or horizontally is from time to time, it might be nice to challenge that thinking and think, okay, how do my leadership position and the organization I represent? How does it connect with the universe? How does it fit into transforming humanity into transforming the universe?  


Marc Allen 46:33 

Yes, yes, yes. You know, how does it fit in? Yes, with the whole universe with our entire earth? What is the impact that we want to have on the entire earth? Every one of us can have a tremendous impact for good, I'm convinced of that. 


James Laughlin 46:55 

I'm with you on that. And that's my mission to share that with you in our pre-call in order to help transform humanity, one leader at a time, and I feel that you can impact a million people by talking to one person. Having a conversation, and those spreads. I've got a question for you that's been in the back of my mind for a while. So, thinking and thought leadership and subconscious programming is your sphere. It's what you do. It's what you're amazing at. Someone like Richard Branson, and Elon Musk, know, people that are doing these quite phenomenal things. Yes. What is going on in the way that they think? What do you think helps them think way differently, way more vertically than us? 


Marc Allen 47:43 

It's because they have fewer doubts and fears than most people, they can just get amazingly expansive. I've even like I've thought, okay, I've built my company to a certain level, it's really good. I could really, you know, I'm a multimillionaire, but I could be a billionaire if I wanted, how would I do that? And I started thinking, you know, vertically and got all these ideas. And then I realized, so I, one of my goals is also being lazy. I'm pretty lazy. That was part of my experiment to the day I turned 30, I realized in my ideal scene that the group near the bottom put Oh, yeah, and I have a life of ease. I don't work too hard. I only work when I feel like it. And I had been a musician. So, I knew that was musicians' hours. Like, I don't do a thing until one in the afternoon, something ever, and I don't do Mondays. And that was part of my goal. And I remember doubts and fears coming all about that. And even my first wife reflected those doubts and fears, saying, you know if you worked a little harder, Marc, if you got up an hour earlier, you know, you'd probably do a better job, be more organized. And so, these doubts and fears came up, but I, I said no, that's part of my dream. I'm affirming. I'm lazy. I only work when I feel like it. And I've done that ever since I started the company. And it totally works. So, I said, okay, being a billionaire. Hmm. Yeah. You know, Elon Musk is not lazy, and Richard Branson, they're not lazy people. They have amazing energy. But they just think expansively just so wonderfully expansively that it's incredible. I think it's, you know, it can be an inspiration to, to all of us, you know. 


James Laughlin 49:44 

Absolutely. And you mentioned something really powerful earlier in a conversation about questions, the power of great questions. So, if someone wanted to think expansively exponentially, what questions would they ask themselves or what set of questions could help them to think more vertically? 


Marc Allen 50:05 

Right, right. Well, whatever their dream is, whatever area whatever. They can just say, how can I expand this? How can I expand this? If, how could I, you could even work backward? I think, when I decided to be a millionaire, for instance, I knew I told my subconscious, I was creating million dollars in liquid assets. And it was like, I gave my subconscious instructions. And then I felt my subconscious totally accepted it. And then I almost have the image your subconscious works backward is okay, in order to be a multimillionaire, you know, you got to do this and that, it sort of accepts it. And the odd image I have is it kind of works backward. So that then you, you start seeing the first step, the second step with you keeping that, that end in mind, and everything, you know. 


James Laughlin 51:02 

that's powerful, Mark. I can relate. You mentioned a lot about being a musician. So, I'm a drummer, I started drumming when I was eight years old, nine years old. Oh, great. I love it! Drums helped me travel the world. And, but we had a competition, it was the world solo drumming championships. And I remember at 10 years old, in my mind, going, I want to win the World Championships. And then my subconscious mind started to go, you can do that, you're going to do this. And then the next steps were not premeditated. They weren't forced. The next steps. We're practicing two hours a day, four hours a day doing the basics, stepping forward. And all of a sudden, it was like that goal kept that subconscious goal kept us moving towards me moving, I wasn't forcing it. And on the day that I was fortunate enough to win my first world championship. Wow. Like, I didn't force that. That kind of I set it as an intention. And I did exactly what you just mentioned, it's one simple step. But it was reverse engineered, the goal was reverse-engineered. 



Marc Allen 52:08 

That's a great story. I and yeah, that's exactly how it feels like it works to me, too. You get that intention, and then every step just seems totally obvious and simple. You know, it's, in fact, I often think, duh, why didn't I think of this earlier? You know, once I get a clear goal, oh, just do this. And sometimes I do have that thought. Why didn't I think of that a few years ago? 


James Laughlin 52:39 

I love it. It's so interesting. I had a client recently, who was really obsessing on the end goal, or a pretty substantially huge end goal. And we're starting to fall short on some of the milestones along the way. And then started to doubt and started to build fear and started to get stressed and was in your subconscious knows what the end goal is. But what are your daily actions? What are those things that you need to do each day? And he started writing them off? And I said, okay, that first one. Have you done that today? No. Okay let's forget about the big one, the big bold goal that you set in the future, let's just measure and focus on today's steps. And I know I have faith that he will achieve that If he just focuses on the next step. 


Marc Allen 53:27 

Mm-hmm. Yeah. That's brilliant. 


James Laughlin 53:31 

What's on the cards for you just before we wrap up, what's the next exciting milestone the next exciting thing that you're working towards? 


Marc Allen 53:42 

Well, I've been talking lately, I just did an hour podcast, about how we all can have the power to change the world. And how do we change the world, I want to see the world substantially change in my lifetime. And I've been thinking, you know, there's like four levels that the world is changing on, but one the individual level, every individual can do something, can do something every end. I don't care if you're homeless, you know, the poverty you can pick up the trash so we can all do something. Then there are all these nonprofit corporations that are doing incredible things now supporting them, then corporations, the corporations are incredibly powerful. If they would practice the three P's rather than just the P for profit in this is getting well known and three P's. Planet and people if they support all their people give profit sharing every employee if they cleaned up all their neighborhoods. I mean, corporations could transform the world very, very quickly. You know, as government and of course, some do good things and some don't, but basically lobbying corporations if you work in a corporation to make more conscious changes and doing something yourself. We all have the power to really do something substantial to help make this a better world for our children. 


James Laughlin 55:11 

So beautifully put. And if you just the last question if you had to give a young person, whether it's a child or a young person in your life some advice, and they asked you, hey, Mark, how can I lead my life on purpose? What would your advice be to them? 



Marc Allen 55:31 

I just always say dare to dream, dare to dream. The most fulfilling life you can imagine, and your purpose will be in there. Your purpose will be in there and dare to follow your passion, dare to dream, and go for it. And then doubts and fears will arise. Okay, that's the work will. That's the work. That's what I, you know, dreamers change the world. There was some quote like that, like, oh, James Allen said that as you think dreamers are the saviors of the world, said, yes, so true.  


James Laughlin 56:08 

I want to thank you, not only for gracing us with your presence today but also for the amazing work that you do through New World publishing through the great books you write through the other authors that you share their work, it's simply phenomenal and you are transforming human humanity one reader at a time. 


Marc Allen 56:27 

Well, thank you, James, really, and thank you for all you do. You're, you're doing wonderful work. 


James Laughlin 56:34 

Much appreciate and I look forward to connecting with you in person I'm whether it's in New Zealand or whether it's in the States I look forward to connecting. 


Marc Allen 56:41 

I'd love that. 


James Laughlin 56:42 

That's amazing. Thank you so much. 


Marc Allen 56:46 

Thank you for all you do. 


James Laughlin 57:07 

Thanks for tuning in today and investing in your own personal leadership. Please hit that subscribe button. And I'd love if you'd leave me a rating and review. I've got some amazing guests lined up for you in the coming weeks. And leaders. It's that time to get out there and to lead your life on purpose.